Android Application Development


Today millions of people around the world are using smart phones for their work, browsing and getting in touch with everything on internet. The importance of android application is increasing with the passage of time.
There are number of Benefits why everyone today need mobile Application, lets count few of them as under:
  • Build customer relationships. How can a mobile app can build customer relationships and customer loyalty? …
  • Increase accessibility. …
  • Increase exposure. …
  • Enhance social networking strategies. …
  • Reinforce your brand.
  • Much More … Once you come to know importance of Mobile Application
The course contents are as following

COURSE Contents

  • Introduction to Mobile Computing
  • Introduction to Operating system
  • Generic UI Development
  • Frameworks and Tools
  • Developing user interface
  • developing basic components
  • working with content provider
  • handling data
  • entering & retrieving data
  • security of data
  • wireless connectivity
  • developing graphics
  • notifications and alarms
  • publishing the application
  • Feed back
  • trouble shooting

Class Time: 02 Hours

Classes Per Week: 05

Total Package FEE: 15000


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