How to Properly Use a Keyword in Title

Many bloggers find the good keyword with less competition and high search volume and don’t know how to properly use a keyword in title. In this article, I am going to tell you about the proper use of it in search title.

What is Keyword?

keyword is a word or group of words that people write in the search box of the search engine. Suppose you find a key phrase “robotics future”, you will not make the keyword title the same but you will make it more effective so that people will click.  You can find a number of articles on that particular phrase through google search. visit them one-by-one. Make a unique heading and write an effective article with the good and related images.

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Make sure to use target keyword as soon as possible in the title, URL, and the first paragraph of your article. You can make a title like “Robotics Future: Everything You Need to Know”. Try to keep the title below 55 characters it will help you in SEO.

Properly Use a Keyword
Techniques to Make Keyword Clickable [100% Working]

Follow these techniques to make your keywords more clickable.

Make the Title Natural

Your title should be natural. It doesn’t matter how it is boring but you can make it clickable and SEO optimized. you can add image or video in your title to impress the people.

Appealing Title

Appealing means something that has quality and interring for the people. Try to make your title more appealing. I’m not saying you should do clickbait like many websites do. i.e “Hakomat nay bada ilaan kr diya, Aap Ky Hosh Ura Dy Ga”. Be real and authentic.

Use a Keyword in Description

You should add your target keywords in the description and make sure your tittle should not only attractive but also SEO friendly. Be short and clear while writing the search description. and do not to use a keyword in it.

Use a keyword in URL

It is google technique to add your key phrase in the url. It is helpful to rank the article on search result. Make URL length short as soon as possible.

In Sub Heading

sometimes your article may rank for multiple keywords. So, wisely choose all the keywords then make a natural and appealing title in your subheading. It will bring more clicks on your site.


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